The Strength of Community Welfare on Chinese Identity in Case of Bobae

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Saen Keeratinawanun
Worawut Romrattanapan


The objective of this research is to investigate the strength of community welfare on chinese’s identity in case of Bobae, which has an affect on Bobae’s Community. This study is qualitative research through conceptual of Social Capital, Social Welfare, Assimilation which specify scope of the study area in Old Bobae market, nearby Thamma alley. The fact findings indicate that Chinese in Bobae depend on 3 identities. The first is Chinese Identity, which is similar as the whole chinese around the world as the customs, favorite days, rituals, etc. For example, Chinese New Year’s day, Chinese Midyear Remembrance Ceremony Day, Wedding Ceremony, Funeral Ceremony (Kong-Tek), etc. The second is Shantou Identity, Almost chinese in Bobae emigrated from Shantou or nearby boundaries that called Tae-Chiw. The important identity of Tae-Chiw are ability of commercial, pay respect to Pueng Thao Kong Shrine, etc. And the third is Thai-Chinese assimilation identity, because the most of chinese in Bobae have lived in Thailand for a long time and Bobae’s Community is a rental area of Baromnivas Temple, therefore Chinese in Bobae recognize in gratitude of Thailand and Baromnivas Temple to intergrated Thai and Chinese Identity became Thai-Chinese’s Identity. Furthermore Bobae applied Chinese Identity as gathering, networks, Shrine etc. Then created community welfare through Shrine and Association System, until got the strength of community welfare finally.

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How to Cite
Keeratinawanun, S. ., & Romrattanapan , W. . . (2015). The Strength of Community Welfare on Chinese Identity in Case of Bobae. Journal of Politics and Governance, 5(2), 57–71. retrieved from
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