Quality of Work Life of the Correctional Officials in “Roi-Kaen-Sarn-Sin Region”

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Yotsawat Karakate
Prayote Songklin
Nongluk Sangmahachai


The aims of this research are to study the opinions on the quality of work life of correctional officials in Roi-Kaen-Sarn-Sin Region, to compare on the quality of work life of correctional officials in Rio-Kaen-Sarn-Sin Region by gender, age, educational level, marital status, work duration, salary, rank, and correctional agency, and to suggest the ways in enhancing the quality of work life of correctional officials. The number of populations used in the study are 448. The number of samples are 212, random sampling based on Taro Yamane method. The number of interviewed are 22, that is 10 percents of sampling. Instruments used in the study are questionnaires and semi-structured interview. Statistical tools employed in the study are percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test (One-way ANOWA), and frequency. The results of the study are as follows: The correctional officials in Roi-Kaen-San-Sin Region have the opinions on the quality of work life in overall at medium level. When consider in each aspect, there is one aspect at high level, that is discipline and code of conduct aspect. There are 5 aspects at medium level, arranged from high level to low level, : operational facilitation aspect, ready healthcare for work aspect, reducing working burden aspect, living assistant aspect, and strengthening staff’s morale aspect. The correctional officials in Roi-Kaen-San-Sin Region with different age, marital status, work duration, salary, position, and correctional agencies have the opinions on the quality of work life differently, statistically significant at 0.05 level. The correctional officials in the Roi-Kaen-Sarn-Sin Region with different gender and educational level have no difference in the opinion on the quality of work life.

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How to Cite
Karakate, Y. . ., Songklin, P. . ., & Sangmahachai, N. . . (2015). Quality of Work Life of the Correctional Officials in “Roi-Kaen-Sarn-Sin Region”. Journal of Politics and Governance, 5(1), 148–165. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/278712
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