Strategy of Public Administration Academic Development in College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University
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This research aimes firstly to explore the curriculum and environment of Public Administration in Thailand. Secondary, indentify the research aims to the influence factors for study in Public Administration, College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University. Before analyze the strength, weekness, opportunity and threats. And the last aims to strategies for developing the acadamy. The data was collected by quantitative research method by using questionnaire and qualitive research methods by conducting interviews and doing documentary research. The sample comprised 360 students. The SPSS solfware was adopted to analyze the quantitative data. The interviewers of 28 administrators, experts, officers, and students were analyzed by content analysis. Regarding the first objective the research found that the recently definition of Public Administration included public sector and all public interest for peple needed. The public governance related local, region, national and international. Otherwise the scope of Public Administration was focus on 5 groups forward. As for the second objective found that the average level of influence factors studied in Public Administration, College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University was high (=3.64), the frist factor was lecturer (
=3.86) and followed by the curriculum (
=3.74), where as the last factors was academic service (
=3.47). The sastisfaction of academic process found that the average level was high (
=3.62), the academic and curriculum was the first priority (
=3.67). followed by the learning outcome development process (
=3.63). where as the last factor was academic service. As for the third abjective, the strength of Public Administration, College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University was the organization management and leadership of the administrator inclouded competency and diversification of lecturer and famous of alumni under “COPAG” shared value, especially the curriculum that specialized in Isan region and addition of facilities. Nevertheless, the weekness was the experience of staff and the overload job of lecturer. More over, the competency of admission students was moderate and lower level. The opportunity was an academic networking inwhich local, national, and international. Including information technology and situation. The threats was the substantial of Public Administration institute, social value, downsizing policy and the depression economy. For the last objective, the research found that the strategies of Public Administration development inclouding of four aspects; (1) Academic 2) Lecturer 3) Facilities 4) Network toward the vision “Exellence in Acadamic, Practice, developing and public mild”
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