The Strengthen Factors Affecting to Tambon Administrative Organizations in Nonthaburi Province

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Prasutr Luangsmarnkul
Pichet Wongkiatkajorn


Subdistrict, or Tambon Administrative Organizations, (TAO)’s strength is important for sustainable community development. Consequently, there should be some factors affecting it’s strength. Those factors can then be applied to other TAOs. The purposes of this research are 1) to identify problems and causes relating to the strengthen factors affecting to Tambon Administrative Organizations (TAO). and 2) to provide some recommendations for resolving the problems. This research is a Qualitative Research. Data are collected by use of a Semi-Structure In-dept-Interview. The sample consisted of 36 key informants from 6 TAOs. Six key informants from each TAO including Chief executive, Chairman of the Council, Secretary of the Council, Chief Administrator, Official, and Community Leader, are interviewed. The results are as follows : This study includes five main factors. Those are organization, administration, personnel, personel behavior, and organization environment. All studied factors affect the TAO performance, or it’s strength. Base on the findings, the size of the TAO should be appropriate, or match, it’s area, function, revenue and budget. The related organizations should increase the TAO’s strength by promoting people participation. Organizations should also promote good governance and develop their staffs’ working behaviors including honesty, sacrifice, responsibility, and unity. Moreover, moral system should be used to enhance the strength of the TAO.

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How to Cite
Luangsmarnkul, P. . ., & Wongkiatkajorn, P. . (2016). The Strengthen Factors Affecting to Tambon Administrative Organizations in Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(2), 127–143. retrieved from
Research Articles


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