Urban Studies and Paradigm of Urban Knowledge
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Urban studies is multidisciplinary for understanding the cities and urban livings. Urban studies is from various disciplines including Politics, Economics, Social Sciences, Physical landscapes, and cultural studies which are embedded in urban issues. It employs the concepts for understanding urban issues from Architecture, Historical studies, Arts, Environmental studies, Urban Economics, Literatures, and Political sciences. Urban studies focuses on physical things as well as meanings and functions of urban areas in whole societies. It is the process of examining human settlement and the changes of relative factors in urban areas. In Thailand, Urban studies could be divided into 5 areas included Urban Economics in Faculty of Economics, Urban Geography in Faculty of Geography, Urban Planning and Urban Design in Faculty of Architecture, and Urban Development in Faculty of Politics. However, in Thailand, Urban studies from each faculty reflects fragmented knowledge. This article therefore employs epistemology approach for reconsidering the paradigm of urban studies from the past to present. The argument is the separation of urban knowledge from these isolated disciplines might not suite the complicated context in urban areas and the continuous dynamic in the future. This article is a useful base for those interested in learning about Urban studies for proliferated discussion of paradigm shift in knowledge management for more comprehensive study.
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