Situation and Management of Social Enterprise Through Community Interest Company on Participation of Community Approach International and Context of Thailand

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Suriya Butrapun
Apichart Jai-aree
Sunti Srisuantang


The objectives of the article were to 1) study the Social Enterprise situation in foreign countries and Thailand context; and 2) study the concept of operating social enterprises, businesses that were interested in community participation according to the concept of corporate social responsibility, social enterprise, community involvement, and the theory of community empowerment. This research was quantitative by reviewing literature from papers, theses, and academic books in Thai and foreign languages. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were collected. The key informants were non-profit organizations, corporate social responsibility businesses, and community enterprises, comprising 17 people. Using content analysis, the results showed that:
1. Overseas, the situation of social enterprises in line with sustainable development approaches creates job creation and generates income along with social and economic growth and environmental development. They are returning benefits to communities and organizations as recipients of social enterprise services. Thailand established a limited company to help with tax measures. Significant differences exist between business models where partners or shareholders share profits.
2. Social enterprises, a business operating model that benefits from linking operations through synergies, community empowerment, and development partner agencies, provide role-based support to help from community participation to create continuity and sustainability.

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How to Cite
Butrapun, S., Jai-aree, A., & Srisuantang, S. . (2023). Situation and Management of Social Enterprise Through Community Interest Company on Participation of Community Approach International and Context of Thailand . Journal of Politics and Governance, 13(2), 144–161. retrieved from
Research Articles


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