Factors Affecting Policy Implementation According to The Boxing Sport Act

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Songkiat Lanphonsaen
Rungsun Injun
Wathcarin Sutthisai


This research studied 1) the level of factors affecting policy implementation according to The Boxing Sport Act (Muay Thai), 2) the level of policy implementation according to The Boxing Sport Act (Muay Thai), 3) the factors affecting policy implementation under The Boxing Sport Act (Muay Thai), and 4) a policy implementation model according to The Boxing Sport Act (Muay Thai). The sample number consisted of 308 individuals involved in boxing activities obtained by Yamane's formula. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The qualitative research target group consisted of 18 samples and was conducted using focus groups. The research instrument was an interview form. Statistical data collected included frequency, percentage distribution, mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis (Stepwise method). Results indicated that the level of factors affecting the overall implementation of policies under The Boxing Sport Act (Muay Thai) was at a high level. Policy implementation level according to The Boxing Sport Act (Muay Thai) was also at a high level. Six factors statistically affected policy implementation under The Boxing Sport Act (Muay Thai) at the .05 level. These were identified as Management, Related Organizations, Foreign Affairs, Policy Objectives, Politics and Communication, and Coordination. These six factors explained the variation in the dependent variable at 48.10% (R2 = .481, F = 60.457). The standardized prediction equation was identified as Zr = .291Z5 + .229Z3 + .211Z9 -.303 Z1 + .201Z7 + 155Z4. The policy implementation model suggested that The Boxing Sport Act (Muay Thai) should be revised to better reflect the context of modern society, and provide legal enforcement measures for boxers and referees as well other involved personnel.

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How to Cite
Lanphonsaen, S. ., Injun, R. ., & Sutthisai, W. . (2022). Factors Affecting Policy Implementation According to The Boxing Sport Act. Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(2), 146–160. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/263124
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