Higher Educational Institutions and the Support for the Completeness of Business Eco-system of Social Enterprises in Thailand

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Nadhawee Bunnag


The research paper on Higher Educational Institutions and the support for the completeness of Business Eco-system of Social Enterprises in Thailand had 2 objectives. The first aim was to analyze the completeness of business eco-system of social enterprises in Thailand. The second objective was to analyze roles played by higher educational institutions in the business eco-system. The methods for data collection were documentary research and semi-structured interview in focus group meeting setting. Key informants were the executive staff of Bachelor of Arts Degree Program in Creative Development, Puey Ungphakorn School of Development Studies, Thammasart University. The method for data analysis was content analysis from documentary data and the interview data. The study result found out that the Thai government has had clear policy to support social enterprise since 2010 until the successful entry into force of the 2019 Social Enterprise Promotion Act. Registration system for special support and specific supervising agency establishment were stressed. Finance providers often granted non-financial supports along with start-up grants, while loans and social impact investment were less in number. Market access through public procurement mechanism has been in the early stage of development, but initiatives by the private and civil societal sectors have been put in place. Banpu Public Company Limited has been a key player of business support infrastructure, while SET Social Impact has been a key player of supporting organizations and Social Enterprise Thailand Association of peer organization among social enterprises. Higher educational institutions have had critical role in supporting the development of future social entrepreneurs. At present, increasing numbers of them have developed diverge types of curricula and activities involving social enterprises including bachelor degree and master degree curricula as well as short course.

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How to Cite
Bunnag, N. . (2022). Higher Educational Institutions and the Support for the Completeness of Business Eco-system of Social Enterprises in Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(2), 125–145. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/263123
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