Factors Influencing Public Participation in the Operation of Local Administration Organizations in Nakhon Pathom Province

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Kunprapat Rumpungjit
Phatharaporn Jaipheng


This quantitative research studied 1) public participation in the operation of local administration organizations in Nakhon Pathom Province, 2) factors influencing public participation in the operation of local administration organizations in Nakhon Pathom Province, and 3) the creation of a prediction equation to forecast public participation in the operation of local administration organizations that varied from independent factors. The samples were 1,188 people with elective rights, and sample size was determined using the G*Power program. The research instrument was a five-rating scale questionnaire with overall reliability at 0.91. Statistics used included Mean, Standard Deviation, Pearson’s Product Moment Multiple Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. Results showed that overall public participation in the operation of local administration was at the medium level. Eight factors statistically influenced overall public participation in the operation of local administration organizations in Nakhon Pathom Province at the 0.05 level. These were identified as Power Motivation (Beta = 0.61), Achievement Motivation (Beta = 0.54), Affiliation Motivation (Beta = 0.49), Community Leadership (Beta = 0.41), Public Benefit Needs (Beta = 0.28), Social Relation Needs (Beta = 0.21), Community Trouble Displeasure (Beta = 0.18) and Political Interest Factor (Beta = 0.14). The standardized prediction equation to forecast public participation was identified as gif.latex?\hat{Z}= 0.49Z1 + 0.54Z2 + 0.61Z3 + 0.21Z4 + 0.28Z6 + 0.18Z9 + 0.41Z12 + 0.14Z13.

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How to Cite
Rumpungjit, K. ., & Jaipheng, P. . (2022). Factors Influencing Public Participation in the Operation of Local Administration Organizations in Nakhon Pathom Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(2), 98–110. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/263110
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