Guidelines for Phetchaburi Development by the Civil Society and Geo-Public Administration of Phetchaburi Province

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Saranpat Eawjaroen
Jeera Prateep


The purposes of this research were (1) to analyze the civil society, and the geo-public administration of Phetchaburi Province, (2) to discuss the ways to develop the city’s civil society and the geo-public administration of Phetchaburi Province, and (3) to offer concrete ways to develop the city’s civil society and the geo-public administration of Phetchaburi Province. The study was qualitative research conducted using documents and in-depth interviews. People who gave key information to this research included academic experts, historians, residents’ philosophical ideas as well as senior residents, and a selected community group. The research results revealed that the community thoughts included traditional festivals, jobs, local games ideas, and technology. These communal activities created a bond in the group that shared, promoted and continued knowledge as well as worked with the government sectors. The thought processes of the geo-public administration of Phetchaburi Province included the theological thoughts, geographic location, population density, landscape, and history. These all had some level of interaction to the administration; where geographical location did create a community of resources and funds. Moreover, the results showed that the development of Phetchaburi Province from the concept of “The extent of knowledge” was under the principle of mutual residents’ rights creating an understanding that the locals were the key to funding, identity and relationship with other organizations to the city. “The extent of performance” was under the individuals with the participation and promotion of the city’s concepts and identities that signified the norm of Phetchaburi residents. “The extent of knowledge” was under a managing principle to develop areas and adapt to public campaigns. “The extent of performance” was under a signified principle of the improvement of the geo-public administration patterns tied with the improving standard of living to the city and development plans. Finally, the processes of development from the communal ideas included the identity of the city, the use of public spaces in the city, and the development of funds in the administration. The development of ideas geo-public administration included the interaction of analyzed plans, interaction to the Southern cities and the interaction to the hygienic, and happy place.

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How to Cite
Eawjaroen, S. ., & Prateep, J. . (2022). Guidelines for Phetchaburi Development by the Civil Society and Geo-Public Administration of Phetchaburi Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(2), 52–73. retrieved from
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