Context-Sensitive Approaches to Municipality Administration for Local Government in Lao PDR

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Panyasack Sengonke
Sukanya Aimimtham


The objectives of this research were to study problems in municipality administration and determine context-sensitive approaches to municipality administration for local government in Lao PDR. This is qualitative research that was conducted in urban administrative areas managed by district-level local administration organizations, including the municipalities of Luang Prabang, Kaysone Phomvihane, and Pakse. The research tool was an in-depth interview of three groups of key informants: informants from the central government; local informants from the provinces; and administrators working in municipal government offices. By purposive sampling, there were 11 informants overall, using descriptive synthetic analysis. The research findings show that municipal administration is no different from the district. The structure and roles of the responsibilities are not yet clear. The practicalities of administration, management, and safeguarding of the budget were never clearly determined, specifically in terms of the municipality’s role, and especially in terms of collecting and managing revenues. Citizens generally maintained the understanding that the central government was solely responsible for urban development. In addition, the effectiveness of government personnel was affected by a lack of specialized knowledge. Regarding context-sensitive approaches to municipality administration for local governments in Lao PDR, this study recommends that municipalities put the central government’s three-tiered policy guidelines into more concrete practice. The law on local administration should be reviewed, and knowledge and understanding of effective municipal administration should be fostered. The organizational structure must be upgraded, with clarified mechanisms for coordination and roles and duties of the municipality. The municipality must be able to manage itself with its own fixed budget, and technology should be used as much as possible in municipal administration. There must be mechanisms or channels for people’s participation. Enhancement of human resources should focus on developing staff-state readiness. Public services should be provided, and a good environment should be established in municipal centers with clearly determined development zones.

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How to Cite
Sengonke, P. ., & Aimimtham, S. . (2022). Context-Sensitive Approaches to Municipality Administration for Local Government in Lao PDR. Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(2), 17–34. retrieved from
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