Strengthening Motivation for the Litigant Bring the Case into the Sustained of Dispute Settlement Process : Study of the Dispute Conciliation Center of Maha Sarakham Provincial Legal Execution Office

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Sakchai Soonthornthanaphirom


The legal execution department provides for mediation at the legal execution stage. And can mediate successfully in more than 90 percent of the mediation case. But it appears that less than 5% of the parties brought the case into the mediation process of the total number of cases.

The objective of this research was to developing motivation for enable the parties to bring their cases to the mediation process in the legal execution floor and to find a management approach strengthening motivation for enable the parties to bring their cases to a sustainable mediation process in the legal execution floor.

The study found that thailand does not have any laws that provide incentives for mediating disputes in the legal execution floor. Because of the mediating disputes in the legal execution floor of thailand at present, there is no direct law.

Motivation that lead the parties to bring their cases to a mediation process in the legal execution floor such as:

(1) The parties want to settle the dispute in the legal execution floor. The mediation of the dispute will save time and money for the parties.

(2) The parties want to maintain a relationship with each other. So that both parties can continue to transact in the future.

(3) The parties saw the benefits of mediation. If the mediation is successful, it will benefit more than the case of allowing further execution.

(4) The parties are of the opinion that mediation will bring justice to both parties. Because the terms of payment due to the fact that both parties agreed among themselves. until satisfactory to both parties.

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How to Cite
Soonthornthanaphirom, S. (2023). Strengthening Motivation for the Litigant Bring the Case into the Sustained of Dispute Settlement Process : Study of the Dispute Conciliation Center of Maha Sarakham Provincial Legal Execution Office. Journal of Politics and Governance, 13(2), 173–189. retrieved from
Research Articles


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