Collaborative Governance of Local Governments to promote the quality of life of the Elderly in Samut Prakan Province

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Chaimongkhon Supromin


This qualitative research aims to 1) analyze the initial conditions and supporting factors of the Collaborative Governance (CG) to promote the quality of life of the elder people in Samut Prakan Province 2) study the characteristics of CG to promote the quality of life of the elder people in Samut Prakan Province and 3) analyze the problems and barriers of CG. The data collection includes documents, in-depth interviews and group discussions. The 15 key informants were conducted for the interview and 8 key informants for focus group discussion. The data were analyzed by the content analysis method. The results revealed that 1) The initial conditions and supporting factors of the CG of Local government to promote the quality of life of the elderly in Samut Prakan Province include 4 aspects: (1) the general context, namely, economic and social conditions, government policies, and laws; (2) the imbalance of resources and power; (3) the motivation to participate of stakeholders such as facilitating factor, expectations and good service of welfare and public service, and the accountability for community management; (4) the factor of leadership, participation both public/private sector, and state mechanisms to promote participation. 2) The characteristics of CG of Local Governments to promote the quality of life of the elderly were the long term and ad-hoc collaborative management among local government agencies, the people's sector, and the private sector. This management was characterized from policy formulation to implementation process as follows; (1) building trust among the stakeholders; (2) building mutual understanding and agreement; (3) working together, and (4) getting results together until its impact on the development of the elderly quality of life. 3) The problems and obstacles to the CG of the Local Governments in Samut Prakan Province were (1) problems in the administration of Local Government agencies with limitations in facilities, personnel, and budget; (2) the inconvenience of traveling for the elderly and the homebound elderly; (3) the problem of the epidemic of Coronavirus-2019 caused the activities of the elderly were temporarily suspended from 2020.

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How to Cite
Supromin, C. (2023). Collaborative Governance of Local Governments to promote the quality of life of the Elderly in Samut Prakan Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 13(2), 97–123. retrieved from
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