The Capacity Building for Flood Disaster Risk Reduction of Ubon Ratchathani City Municipality and Warinchamrab Town Municipality, Ubon Ratchathani Province

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Eakarat Boonreang
Anothai Harasarn
Chanaboon Intharaphan


The objectives of this research are to 1) study the flood risk reduction methods of Ubon Ratchathani City Municipality and Warinchamrab Town Municipality, 2) the potentials and limitations of flood management of Ubon Ratchathani City Municipality and Warinchamrab Town Municipality, and 3)suggest the capacity buildings guidelines and measures for flood risk reduction of Ubon Ratchathani City Municipality and Warinchamrab Town Municipality, Ubon Ratchathani Province. The qualitative research and participatory action research were applied for this research. The key informants were selected specifically; executives, supervisors, and officials of Ubon Ratchathani City Municipality and Warinchamrab Town Municipality which related to disaster prevention and mitigation total 22 persons; executives and officials of Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Office total 2 persons; and leaders or community representatives in flood risk areas total 51 persons. The research instrument was interview form; collected by interview, focus group, observations, survey, and participatory action forum; and analyzed by grouping, classification, analysis, and content synthesis. The results revealed that 1) Ubon Ratchathani City Municipality and Warinchamrab Town Municipality have used the structural flood risk reduction, such as floodwall, and the non-structural flood risk reduction, such as water levels monitoring, evacuation warning, and special plan for rescuing flood victims. 2) Both municipalities have the good potential for flood management in during flood. However, there are limitations of flood management, such as could not to disburse budgets for flood management before the disaster zones announcing and the evacuation warning that not yet could to build confidence for the community. 3) Recommendations to municipalities for the structural flood risk reduction, such as raising the height of floodwall, and building the two-story house for the community. Whereas, the non-structural flood risk reduction, such as the training about a water level data awareness and understanding, adopting of flood level data and statistics in 2019 as a base for the future flood management, acquisition the more temporary evacuation areas, and evacuation warning improvement to be more accurate and reliable.

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How to Cite
Boonreang, E. ., Harasarn, A. ., & Intharaphan, C. . (2022). The Capacity Building for Flood Disaster Risk Reduction of Ubon Ratchathani City Municipality and Warinchamrab Town Municipality, Ubon Ratchathani Province . Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(1), 204–224. retrieved from (Original work published April 8, 2022)
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