Pattern of Women’s Leadership Characteristics in the 21st Century and their Community Development Role in Roi Et Province

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Kalaya Upatcha
Watcharin Sutthisai
Sitthiporn Soonthorn


This mixed methods research studied 1) women’s leadership characteristics in the 21st century in Roi Et Province, 2) women’s community development role in Roi Et Province, 3) factors affecting women’s leadership characteristics in the 21st century toward their community development role in Roi Et Province, and 4) the pattern of women’s leadership characteristics in the 21st century and their community development role in Roi Et Province. Quantitative research samples numbered 400 people. The research instruments were a 5-rating scale questionnaire with a reliability value of .99 and statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation and multiple linear regression. Quantitative research was conducted by focus group discussions with representatives as 1) local politicians, 2) administrative organizations, 3) community/village leaders, 4) public representatives, 5) private sector, and 6) civil service personnel totaling 18 informants. Content analysis was also implemented. Findings determined that women’s leadership characteristics in the 21st century and their community development role in Roi Et Province were at a high level (.01). Seven attributes were identified as Imagination factor, Challenge factor, Presentation factor, Trust factor, Inspiration factor, Contributing factors and Resilience factor. The standardized predictive equation was Z = .40Z7 + .22Z5 + .16Z2 + .13Z12 + .07Z10 + .07Z11 + .05Z6. Women’s leadership characteristics in the 21st century and their community development role in Roi Et Province were shown to consist of 13 main factors and 2 additional factors as 1) information skills, and 2) thinking outside the box.

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How to Cite
Upatcha, K. ., Sutthisai, W. ., & Soonthorn, S. . (2022). Pattern of Women’s Leadership Characteristics in the 21st Century and their Community Development Role in Roi Et Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(1), 189–203. retrieved from
Research Articles


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