Islamic State: the Truth from the Doctrine and the Illusion Created

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Samart Thongfhua


The objectives of this research article are 1) To study the concept of Political ideology “Islamic State” of Prophet Muhammad in establishing the Islamic State of Medina. 2) To study the Political Ideology on "Islamic State" of IS Movement. 3) To compare the Political ideology of the "Islamic State" between the Prophet Muhammad and the IS. 4) To study the concepts of the IS that changed from the Prophet Muhammad and 5) To study the impact of IS concept to Thai society. The results of study found that 1) The reality of Islamic rule is the state was formed during the Prophet Mohammed's reign which used the Medina Constitution to accept the coexistence of people in society with peace, non-violence, to rule both Muslim and non-Muslim. 2) The IS group is a Sunni movement that has the concept and method of demanding justice for Islam by using the Qur'an and the Prophet's example (Sunnah), but the IS has adopted certain principles That is specifically about violence in the war that Islam has experienced in the past become a driving force for negative power and calling for people to join in the fight according to the methods of the movement. 3) Compared to the IS, it is found that the management style and concepts used have increased the thought of their own beliefs in administrative management. IS denied differences use force to enslave the opponents to accept their power. 4) The conceptual methods used during the Prophet's time are considered peaceful and full of mutual cooperation between Muslims and non-Muslims, but for the movement's groups, it is forcing people to be under Commanding and oppressing the people, causing conflicts and wars. 5) The idea of establishing the Islamic State in the movement has resulted in the fear of Islam. As a result, many areas in Thailand are anti-Islam.

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How to Cite
Thongfhua, S. . (2022). Islamic State: the Truth from the Doctrine and the Illusion Created. Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(1), 79–97. retrieved from
Research Articles


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