Legal Measures to Scrutinize an Officer’s Arresting Power Exercise in a Case of Flagrant Offences

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Amornthep Muangsean


The objectives of this research are as follows; first, to study the concepts and theories relating to an officer’s power exercise as well as the concepts and theories relating to an arrest in a case of flagrant offences; second, to compare the legal measures to scrutinize an arrest in a case of flagrant offences in France, in the United States of America (USA) and Thailand; third, to analyze and to compare the legal aspects and relating topics on arrest power and legal measures to scrutinize the arresting power exercise in a case of flagrant offences. Results show that French and Thai legal provisions on arresting in a case of flagrant offences share some similarities. But Thai legal measures to scrutinize an officer’s arresting power exercise in a case of flagrant offences are similar to American legal measures. Moreover, there are sharp differences between Thai and French legal provisions on roles of organizations in justice systems and participation in a scrutiny. In other words, French legal provisions stipulate principles of prosecution, arresting and investigation in a case of flagrant offences, all in details. Special check-and-balance measures are also provided. Meanwhile, such provisions are absent from Thai and American legal provisions. There is no specific investigation procedure for flagrant offences. Court is the only external organization authorized to scrutinize an officer’s arresting power exercise in a case of flagrant offences: whether there are probable causes or urgencies to justify the arrests or not. As a result, in Thailand, there should be statutes to provide a special investigation procedure for flagrant offences. Moreover, like in French legal system, there should be regulations to allow the public prosecutor and the court to scrutinize an arrest in a case of flagrant offences at the initial stage together with the police, especially in a case of serious criminal offences.

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How to Cite
Muangsean, A. . . (2022). Legal Measures to Scrutinize an Officer’s Arresting Power Exercise in a Case of Flagrant Offences. Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(1), 64–78. retrieved from
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