The Implementation Covid-19 Crisis Management Policy in Thailand during the year 2020-2021

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Eakarat Boonreang
Anothai Harasarn


The objectives of this academic article are to analyze and discuss the implementation of the COVID-19 crisis management policy in Thailand and to recommend the policy development for the COVID-19 crisis management of Thailand. The data was investigated from research articles, academic articles, books, and websites related to the policy implementation and crisis management. The results were found that the first wave of implementation of the COVID-19 crisis management policy was successful due to the serious policy implementation and cooperation from the public, private and people sectors. On the contrary, in the second wave until the current wave, there were problems in policy implementation, due to unclear crisis communication and the government was unable to build confidence in solving the COVID-19 problems for the people. Recommendations for development the COVID-19 crisis management policy should be developed from three main stakeholders; government should communicate crisis information to the people quickly, accurately, and thoroughly; civil servants or policy makers should be enhanced in their crisis knowledge and management; and people should always be aware and emphasize that a crisis can happen at any time and no matter what kind of crisis. When these stakeholders give importance and awareness to crisis management, this will lead to the development of COVID-19 crisis management policy that are appropriate and can solve problems quickly and meet the needs of the people.

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How to Cite
Boonreang, E., & Harasarn, A. (2023). The Implementation Covid-19 Crisis Management Policy in Thailand during the year 2020-2021. Journal of Politics and Governance, 13(1), 189–204. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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