Human Cloning and Bioethical Perspectives

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Phra Wiman Khampeerapanyo
Thanachot Singkumpon
Panuvat Singkumpong


In human cloning, 7 perspectives on bioethics should be taken into consideration   1) In bioethics on the birth of cloned humans, genetic materials must be consented by rightful owners, and the process of creating embryo must comply with safety  requirements and must not cause any harm to the embryo. 2) Bioethics regarding the body of the cloned humans must be taken into consideration in order to  prevent any harm resulting in defects and damages in the body of the cloned humans. 3) Bioethics on a freedom to choose path of life involves no restriction on the personal freedom of the clone humans. 4) Bioethics on minimization of the  potential of every human life relates to no minimization of potential in living and improving life of the cloned humans.  5) In bioethics regarding human dignity, equality of human must be respected, and humans themselves must treat each other as fellowmen. 6) Sociological bioethics of human cloning where both cloned and real men deserve an equal treat as members in society. 7) Bioethics regarding prevention of human trafficking involves that the cloned humans are not permitted to be used as merchandise or commercial objects. Therefore, bioethics becomes the control of the human cloning to keep track of creativity and to prevent any impacts upon humankind.

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How to Cite
Khampeerapanyo, P. W. ., Singkumpon, T. ., & Singkumpong, P. . (2021). Human Cloning and Bioethical Perspectives. Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(3), 273–283. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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