The Opportunities and Challengings of OTOP Village Development for Tourism At Tha Li district in Loei Province

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Montri Khamwan


The purpose of this research was 1) to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and obstacles of the OTOP village development for tourism in two villages located in Tha Li district in Loei province, and 2) to propose the strategies for the OTOP village development for tourism in these two villages in Tha Li district, Loei Province using qualitative research. The population included the village leader, the village committee members and a sample of people from the two villages, which are Ban Pak Huai, Nong Phue sub-district, Tha Li district and Ban Ahi, Ahi sub-district, Tha Li district, Loei province, which is the area for the research. In each village, a total of 20 people participated in the study, and the tool used in the study was an interview form by group discussion. The findings showed that, regarding the OTOP villages for tourism, the two villages in Tha Li district, Loei province, including Ban Pak Huai, Tha Li district, Loei province and Ban Ahi, Loei district, Loei province, the strengths can be separated into five aspects of 1) the religious landmarks and archaeological sites, 2) the natural attractions, 3) the traditions and local wisdom, 4) the field of learning resources, and 5) the community food and products. The weaknesses include the lack of landscape improvement, the need for the villages’ attractions to be clean and attractive, and the lack of a market to sell goods. The opportunities are to have an area next to the Lao People's Democratic Republic, where there is a major tourist route in Loei, and In winter, there is the conservation and succession of folk traditions. However, the barriers are the inadequate government funding budgets, there are no buses arriving at the village, and the lack of publicity for tourists to know about these villages. In conclusion, the villages are part of the strategic development for the OTOP tourism in Tha Li district, Loei province, which is composed of five points, namely 1) the development of tourism, 2) the cultural tourism development, 3) the participation of sustainable communities, 4) the OTOP product development for tourism, and 5) the standard tours.

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How to Cite
Khamwan, M. . (2021). The Opportunities and Challengings of OTOP Village Development for Tourism At Tha Li district in Loei Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(3), 240–258. retrieved from
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