Personality Traits of Local Politicians Affecting the Political Participation of Generation X and Y

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Veerasak Jinarat


The objectives of this research were to (1) study the personality traits of local politicians and the political participation of Generation X and Y, (2) compare the average by age range, (3) investigate the personal factors affecting the personality traits of local politicians and political participation, and (4) examine the causal relationship of the personality traits of local politicians towards political participation. A questionnaire with 66 questions was created after the literature review and validated the reliability, which showed that KMO was .94 and Alpha was .98. The questionnaire was used to collect data from 384 samples who were eligible for voting in municipal areas and city municipal areas in Amnat Charoen, Kalasin, Si Sa Ket, Ubon Ratchathani, and Yasothon provinces, Thailand. The statistics included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation (SD), t-test, ANOVA, MANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multi regression analysis. The results showed that the average of the independent variables and components of the personality traits of the politicians and political participation was at a high level. Moreover, the average of the personality traits of the politicians and political participation was different with a statistical significance of .05 when classified by the age range. The personal factors classified by age range, education, occupation, and income affected the personality traits of the local politicians by 87% of possibility, which had an impact on the political participation by 93% of possibility. Furthermore, the external interest, expression of justice, and emotional stability had the coefficient of prediction on the traditional political participation, where R2 = .72 . Simultaneously, the external incentives, an open mind, and emotional expression had the coefficient of prediction on the digital political participation, where R2= .64 . Therefore, the personality traits of local politicians that interested Generation X and Y were emotional expression, an open mind and external interest. Thus, this could be applied to the personality traits adjustment of the local politicians to encourage the political participation of Generation X and Y.

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How to Cite
Jinarat, V. . (2021). Personality Traits of Local Politicians Affecting the Political Participation of Generation X and Y . Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(3), 137–160. retrieved from
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