Development of Lecturer’s Competencies in Public Administration Curriculum of Northeast Rajabhat Universities Readiness to Thailand 4.0

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Rachata Ubollert
Piyakorn Whangmahaporn


This mixed method research included the following objectives relating to Thailand’s northeastern group of Rajabhat universities: (1) to study lecturers’ actual and desired competency levels, (2) to compare the differences between lecturers’ actual and desired competency levels, (3) to study the influence of motivation, hygiene, and academic promotion factors of lecturers’ actual competencies, and (5) to study the problems and solutions in developing a Public Administration curriculum for lecturers’ actual competencies in readiness for Thailand’s 4.0 (an economic model that aims to unlock the country from several economic challenges resulting from past economic development models). Quantitative samples (142) comprised Public Administration curriculum lecturers from 11 Rajabhat universities in northeastern Thailand. The research instrument was a 5-point rating scale questionnaire with a 0.99 reliability value. Statistics employed included: frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test (Paired Samples), correlation, and multiple linear regression analysis. Qualitative informants were 25 experts and curriculum administrators, and the research instrument was a semi-structured interview which content was analyzed. The results of the research found that the lecturers’ overall competencies were at a high level. The actual and desired competency differences = comparison was statistically significant at 0.01, where the actual competency level was found to be lower than the desired level of competency. Factors that significantly affected actual competency at 0.05 were academic promotion and hygiene factors, with a 60% corrective prediction (R2 = .60). Problem conditions in developing lecturers’ competencies were identified as a lack of experience, unclear academic tasks, unwanted development, institutional neglect of the importance of development, and unconnected work and needs. Recommended competency development solutions were to emphasize technology, establish a support department, create an academic atmosphere, and promote faculty collaboration.

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How to Cite
Ubollert, R. ., & Whangmahaporn, P. . (2021). Development of Lecturer’s Competencies in Public Administration Curriculum of Northeast Rajabhat Universities Readiness to Thailand 4.0 . Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(3), 122–136. retrieved from
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