The Synthesis of Human Resource Development Process to a Democratic Community

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Seksan Sonwa
Apichart Jai-aree
Ravee Sujjasophon


The objectives of this research were to 1) analyze desirable human resource    characteristics in a democratic community 2) analyze factors related to human resource development processes in a democratic community and 3) synthesize the human resource     development processes to a democratic community by  using  Qualitative research methodology. The data were conducted by document analysis, in-depth interviews, discussion groups, community surveys, informal interviews, public forum reflecting research process, and suggestions hearings. The research tools were semi-structured interview, observational, and focus groups. The key informants were included qualified experts of 5 persons,    community leaders of 11 persons, and a group representing stakeholders of 129 persons of whom selected by purposive sampling in accordance to educational issues. Data were analyzed by content analysis and verified the accuracy by the triangulation technic.      The results showed that: 1) Desirable human resource characteristics in a democratic community were categorized three of these: (1) wisdom and knowledge, (2) behavior and adaptation, and (3) human relationship. 2) Factors associated to the development of    human resources in the community to promote democratic were included: education, culture, traditions, local budget, modern technology access, learning and adaptation of the community, community leaders, and cooperation of the community. The conditions to supportive development of human resources in the democratic community are entitled to six conditions: (1) development process, (2) support from related sector agencies, (3) skills and knowledge, (4) morality and ethics, (5) time and location and, (6) culture, tradition and community capital. Finally, 3) Development process of human resources in the community including four steps: (1) individuals to understand their rights and responsibilities and strictly observed, (2) families should have an obligation to teach their children to   understand the principles of democracy, (3) community or village members should have equality and equal participation in community activities. Communities should complement each other which lead to a strong community, and (4) associating networks must collaborate in the integration to promote and encourage the community to be strengthened by   democratic community ways of life.

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How to Cite
Sonwa, S. ., Jai-aree, A. ., & Sujjasophon, R. . (2021). The Synthesis of Human Resource Development Process to a Democratic Community. Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(3), 45–65. retrieved from
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