Developments Strategies of Mae Sot Frontier Tourism City

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Komsit Kienwatana
Krittika Sainaratchai
Unchun Tuntates


This research is a qualitative research. The objective was to develop the development strategies of Mae Sot frontier tourism city. Data collection consists of Documentary Research, In-depth Interview, and Content Analysis. The samples were 5 government officials, 5 tourism operators, 10 people and 30 tourists. The results were as followed; Overview of tourism potential of Mae Sot Municipality, Mae Sot is an outstanding tourism potential area but still lacking of participation from the public, government, and private sectors towards frontier tourism city development. The SWOT analysis showed that the potential of the area is the most important strength. Inversely, the human resource problems is the key weaknesses. In addition, the government's promotion policy is an important opportunity. The border legal problems is a main threat. The developments strategies of Mae Sot frontier tourism city is divided into 3 sub-strategies which are tourism resource development strategy (Source), social development strategy and society quality promotion strategy (Society), and economy strategy (Economy).

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How to Cite
Kienwatana, K. . ., Sainaratchai, K. ., & Tuntates, U. . (2021). Developments Strategies of Mae Sot Frontier Tourism City. Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(2), 203–216. retrieved from
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