Guidelines to upgrade Collaboration to increase efficiency in providing the Public Service between Local governments at the Municipals level in Amphoe Hat Yai Areas, Songkhla Province

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Danuvat Suwanvong


The purposes of this research were to (1) study the factors affecting upgraded collaboration to increase efficiency in the provision of public services between local governments at the municipal level in areas of Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla Province, and (2) study the guidelines necessary to upgrade collaboration to increase efficiency in the provision of public services between local governments at the municipal level in areas of Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla Province. This research used qualitative research methods. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and then analyzed by analytic Induction. The results of the study of the factors affecting upgraded collaboration to increase efficiency in the provision of public services between local governments at the municipal level in areas of Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla Province identified seven unique factors, namely: (1) Related laws; (2) Internal structure of the organization; (3) Information technology systems; (4) Paradigm of organization executives; (5) Personnel or municipal officers; (6) People living in the area ; (7) Other factors such as checking by the Office of the Auditor-General, budgets etc. As for the guidelines to upgrade collaboration to increase efficiency in the provision of public services between local governments at the municipal level in areas of Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla Province, it was found that the municipalities in Amphoe Hat Yai should have an agenda for Hat Yai to upgrade collaboration in the provision of public services, comprising central government agencies, provincial government agencies or local government agencies such as the Department of Local Administration, Province, or Provincial Administrative Organization to serve as a nanny agency or central agency to coordinate the upgrade of collaboration. Subsequently, a cooperation committee should be established between municipalities so each municipality will have a forum to express opinions, as well as discuss and plan public services together. There should also be a collaboration agreement between the municipalities in order to work together through the coordination of the action plan between the municipalities in the areas that need to upgrade collaboration in providing public services.

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How to Cite
Suwanvong, D. . (2021). Guidelines to upgrade Collaboration to increase efficiency in providing the Public Service between Local governments at the Municipals level in Amphoe Hat Yai Areas, Songkhla Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(2), 168–184. retrieved from
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