In Transition regional: Public Policy, Politics, Human Rights, International Relations

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Wachirawat Ariyasirichot


Research on InTransition regional: Public Policy, Politics, Human Rights, International Relations has two objectives. 1) In order to synthesize knowledge from the sub-research in the research project set On InTransition regional: public policy, politics, human rights, international relations in the fiscal year 2018 of the College of Politics and Governance MahaSarakham University and 2) to support the exchange of research results of the College of Politics and Governance Maha Sarakham University, fiscal year 2018 By research results From the classification of issues such as Public policy Politics and human rights And international relations, it is found that there are changes in the Isan region which are regarded as important trends which are common points affecting people's lives in the current situation in 5 dimensions issues 1) regionalisation 2) Co Creation to create development 3) Development in neo-liberalism 4) Understanding of geopolitics 5) Reducing social inequality and aiming for well-being In order to create knowledge in applying to develop and solve problems in the context of the situation recommendations from this research Which is Policy recommendations 1.Research on In Transition regional: public policy, politics, human rights, international relations Found important issues From the research findings that reinforce the 5 important points that those involved in policy making Design, evaluate policies, whether government, private sector, educational institutions And other relevant organizational units Should give utmost importance In the development of public policy Whether education Understanding Policy design for problem solving development To meet the changing challenges Which has occurred clearly from the said research set is 1) regionalisation 2) Co Creation to create development 3) Development in neo-liberalism 4) Understanding of geopolitics 5) Reducing social inequality and aiming for well-being and 2. Based on the said research Shows that the need for policy in the northeast region is that 5 issues that are evident in the research In the policy development in this Isan area Should give importance is 1) regionalisation 2) Co Creation to create development 3) Development in neo-liberalism 4) Understanding of geopolitics 5) Reducing social inequality and aiming for well-being, inclusive growth because the above issues have shown phenomenal Clear and urgent need In modern times.

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How to Cite
Ariyasirichot, W. . (2021). In Transition regional: Public Policy, Politics, Human Rights, International Relations. Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(2), 98–120. retrieved from
Research Articles


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