Citizen networking for foundational democracy enhancement in Maha Sarakham Municipality’s schools, Maha Sarakham Province

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Jeerasak Pokawin


This research aimed 1) to create the citizen network enhancing foundational democracy in Maha Sarakham Municipality’s schools 2) to promote democracy among youth and school students in Maha Sarakham Municipality and 3) to create a citizen networking model for foundational democracy enhancement. The method of participatory action research (PAR) was used. PAR process included questionnaires, in-depth interview, observation, participatory activities, and lesson learned (AAR). The samples were 544 teachers and students of the municipal schools in Maha Sarakham province; the lecturers and undergraduates of COPAG; and the partnership networks by purposive sampling. The study revealed 3 findings. The first one revealed that the citizen network among 11 agencies had been created. They included Faculty of Education of Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University; Faculty of Informatics of Mahasarakham University, Maha Sarakham Municipality; Burapha Phittayakhan Municipal School; Si Sawat Witthaya Municipal School; Ban Song Nang Yai Municipal School; Ban kho Municipal School; Samakkhi Witthaya Municipal School; Pho Si Municipal School; Ban Maet Municipal School; and College of Politics and Governance of Mahasarakham University. The second one revealed that two activities promoting democracy among youth and school students had been organized in the municipal schools of Maha Sarakham Municipality. The activities consisted of two lectures. The former, namely, “The Student Council candidates’ potential and skills development", was set up on June 14, 2019. The latter, namely, “The Student Council's responsibilities and participation in schools’ democracy enhancement", was set up on September 5, 2019 and media literacy guide book. And the last one revealed the model of citizen networking for foundational democracy enhancement or CAN model: Citizenship; Awaken; and Network. The youth and students were motivated to realize their Citizenship. The teachers helped Awaken them and supported them to form a strong Network.

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How to Cite
Pokawin, J. . (2021). Citizen networking for foundational democracy enhancement in Maha Sarakham Municipality’s schools, Maha Sarakham Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(2), 87–97. retrieved from
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