Model of Public Participation in Community Fair Work: Study of the Community Justice Draft Act B.E. …

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Sakchai Soonthornthanaphirom


The objective of this research is to study the pattern of public participation in community justice. This would be a good guideline for further law making on public participation. The study found that Community Justice Draft Act B.E. requiring people to participate in three forms of community justice as following: 1) People who wish to perform community justice can apply as “Community Justice Volunteers” accordingly to Section 15 in conjunction with section 13; 2) Community justice volunteers aiming to gather to perform community justice can apply for registration of “Community Justice Center” under Section 20; 3) As noted in Section 21 (3), 5 people with extensive experience and expertise can be appointed as a committee of the Community Justice Center by the provincial governor for an expertise of justice process, labor, probation; public health and legal aspects. People those who are “community Justice volunteers”; those who collectively establish the “community justice center”; as well as those who are the committee of the “community justice center” are the proactive practitioner. Their participation is endorsed by the approval or support of the government making law to empower them for the role of “community Justice volunteers”; the collectively establishment of the “community justice center”; and the committee of the “community justice center”. Entering into these three positions is clearly authorized by law and is approved by the government.

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How to Cite
Soonthornthanaphirom, S. . (2021). Model of Public Participation in Community Fair Work: Study of the Community Justice Draft Act B.E. …. Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(2), 15–30. retrieved from
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