Social Capital: Creative Community Based Tourism Management Case study of the Ancient city of Wiang Sa, Wiang Sa District SuratThani Province

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Siriporn Pengjan
Patida Morasilp


This research was to study 1) the social capital that appeared in the Wiang Sa Ancient Community, 2) the role of social capital in the creative tourism management of the Wiang Sa Ancient Community, and 3) the creative tourism management process of the Wiang Sa Ancient Community. The qualitative research employed in-dept interview to gain the data from key person informants: villagers, folk leaders, villagers, community network groups, a local leader, and volunteer graduates in the area. Descriptive and content analysis methods were used to analyze the data and lead to summary and recommendations. The results showed that social capital can classify into 1) the ancient city of Wiang Sa, 2) the traditions, 3) Manora, Phonchit (local folk dance group), and 4) folk masters on various wisdom such as religious rituals/occultism, and traditional massage which have been permanently accumulated as their own cultural heritage and wisdom and created closely connection between people within community itself and learning links with outsiders. There is a network to support and promote knowledge expansion and communicate outside. Thus, applying the natural and man-made social capital is a bridge to promote a community's creative tourism and can increase value added. The 5-Step creative tourism management process from this study can organize under 1) selection of creative tourism activities, 2) knowledge development of each activity 3) experiment for creative tourism activities 4) qualified tourism activities promotion and 5) evaluation for tourism activities. The result leads to a proposal providing the community with tourism management skills and knowledge to give the right information to tourist under the strategic plan for promoting tourism and creating participatory within community, and outside partners.

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How to Cite
Pengjan, S., & Morasilp, P. . . (2023). Social Capital: Creative Community Based Tourism Management Case study of the Ancient city of Wiang Sa, Wiang Sa District SuratThani Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 13(1), 110–133. retrieved from
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