The Capacity Development for Natural Disaster Management of Local Administrative Organizations

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Eakarat Boonreang
Anothai Harasarn


The objective of this article is to analyze the natural disaster management of Local Administrative Organizations and to recommend the further development of their capacity for natural disaster management. Academic studies relevant to disaster management and capacity development of disaster management were read and analyzed through discussion and synthesis. The study revealed that Local Administrative Organizations face many problems with natural disaster management, for example insufficient staff and lack of expertise in disaster management. Local Administrative Organizations still emphasize the preventive disaster management approach over the proactive approach. Furthermore, policies related to natural disaster prevention were not determined as priority areas for the country’s policy development. The recommendations provided by this study are that Local Administrative Organizations should recruit and select persons with knowledge, capabilities, and experience in natural disaster management and should establish and rehearse the natural disaster plan every year, regardless if natural disasters are predicted to happen that year or not. In addition, Local Administrative Organizations should create a network for natural disaster management with adjacent Local Administrative Organizations and communities that face similar problems. Moreover, villagers in the areas affected by natural disasters should participate in disaster management by holding discussions, listening to provided information, commenting on the projects being considered, and participating in the evaluation of projects.

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How to Cite
Boonreang, E. ., & Harasarn, A. . (2021). The Capacity Development for Natural Disaster Management of Local Administrative Organizations. Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(1), 236–253. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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