Nepotism in Patronage System and Operation of Local Administrative Organization: A Case Study of the Local Administrative Organization in Muang District of Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Torsakul Puttapak
Suvicha Pouaree


The goal of this research is to study the dynamics of local politics that consist of a nepotistic patronage system and the relations between nepotism in patronage system and operation of local administrative. The approach implemented under the conformations of “Qualitative Research” with text studies and the “Observation” for data from political activities in the area and the interview. The study initiates that the politic lies under Nepotism in patronage system concur to the local politic system that transmits to patronage system of family and relatives through the descendants of those local politicians. This relation remains invariably and reproduces to create local politic system. This system includes the power structures under “Elite Regime” where the power was shaped from traditions composing with the influential power which also has led to the lawful power of this group whom considered as the top of political pyramid. This power grows under the subject political culture and local deliberative political culture. It is also found that the system results in the local administrative organization’s directions. There are 3 positive supporting sides which are (1) effective local area development, (2) quick resolution in urgent issues and (3) create political stability and mitigate the political conflicts.

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Puttapak, T. ., & Pouaree, S. . (2021). Nepotism in Patronage System and Operation of Local Administrative Organization: A Case Study of the Local Administrative Organization in Muang District of Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 11(1), 21–41. retrieved from
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