Strengthening Civil Society and Resolving Local Government Corruption Problems in Phuket Province

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Prasong Tanod


The purposes of the research “Strengthening civil society and resolving local government corruption problems in Phuket province” was to focus on deceitful problems, their causes and impact in the concerned organizations. The instruments of this study were documentary collections supported by non-structural intensive interviews. The data sets were developed from 45 opinion owners, included native population community leaders, freelance entrepreneurs, officials, and private sector business owners. The purposes of the research were: (1) To examine the causes of dishonesty problems in local administrative organizations. (2) To examine the effects of the dishonest causes, and (3) Study of the guidelines to build the strength of the social community sector to solve local administrative organization dishonesty problems in Phuket province. The results of the study revealed: (1) For the causes of dishonesty in local administrative organizations, the sample group gave as the most significant point gaps in the law, as the law sets are unrelated to current procedures, the laws have neither been edited nor revised. As a result, persons who break the laws cannot be punished. A chance for doing wrong can take place. (2) For the effects of such problems, the sample group gave the most significant point as local development, because it is of importance politically, economically, and socially to develop for a better quality of life. With dishonest officials and politicians in the local area, inappropriate, non-auditable, and non-transparent budgets should not be allowed to support growth. (3) For the ways to build strength in the community sector and to solve such problems, the sample group gave the most significant point as network strength, because activities can be overseen strong honest populace networks, who emphasized transparency of actions.

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How to Cite
Tanod, P. . (2023). Strengthening Civil Society and Resolving Local Government Corruption Problems in Phuket Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 13(1), 80–94. retrieved from
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