The Educational Public Service of Local Administrative Organization Under the Decentralization Context in two decades

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Suchao Meenongwa
Amnuay Boonratmaitree
Hhakuan Choopen
Pathan Suwanmongkol


This academic article was aimed to reflect the importance and development of decentralization in terms of public service and educations service. The agencies that were tasked with the educational service are the local administrative organizations. The transfer of educational tasks had witnessed both the rise and decline in the past two decades. What was found in the past was that several local administrative organizations were able to organize an educational service better and more efficiently than the schools affiliated to the Ministry of Education. However, under the current circumstances the ministry wants to dissolve 15, 000 schools under the jurisdiction of the Office of Basic Education Commission. Meanwhile there is a demand that more decentralization is needed for the contribution of the local administrative organizations and local communities. The purpose of the demand is to create equal opportunities and social equality and to reduce social inequality. The demand in question is in line with the 20-year national strategy. It is a great challenge and it is worth attention when schools are to be transferred to the local administrative organizations.

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How to Cite
Meenongwa, S. ., Boonratmaitree, A. ., Choopen, H. ., & Suwanmongkol, P. . (2020). The Educational Public Service of Local Administrative Organization Under the Decentralization Context in two decades . Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(3), 288–302. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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