School-Based Management for Local Development: An analytical study on Co-production concept

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Mallika Maewang


This research aimed to study the concept of co-production in Thai basic education administration by the Local Administration Organization under the National Education Act B.E. 2542 (1999). Documentary research was employed mainly by analyzing the assessment guidelines for School-Based Management for Local Development (SBMLD) published by the Department of Local Administration, Ministry of Interior. The study revealed that the provisions of basic education services under the SBMLD assessment guidelines were congruent with the concept of co-production under the New Public Governance paradigm. According to the guidelines, school boards must operate by collaborating with all sectors in different roles, including co-initiator, co-design, co-delivery, and co-assessment. However, these collaboration processes emphasized only formal collaboration, while both informal engagements with relevant stakeholders and active citizenship characteristics still deserve more attention.

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How to Cite
Maewang, M. . (2022). School-Based Management for Local Development: An analytical study on Co-production concept. Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(3), 206–225. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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