Stripping the Cover: The Politics of the Thai Civics Textbook during 2007- 2016

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Nutthanut Leawpiroj


“Stripping the Cover: The Politics of the Thai Civics Textbook during 2007- 2016” is an attempt to point out the significance of a “cover” of an textbook which is as important as the written content inside. This paper is based on the analytical approach of “the Rhetoric of the Images” by Roland Barthes with a “New Historicism” methodology as to study the textbook’s cover as an evidence of a cultural production at that time. The subject intends to discover the relationship between the encoded cultural values in the Thai civics textbooks and the national ideologies that the state promoted during the beginning of 2007 – 2016 decade. The result from this study has revealed that the Thai civics textbook’s covers have interpellated the cultural value that is consistent with the preserved state’s discursive ideologies of nation, religion, monarchy, Thainess, and the constitutional monarchy. The textbook’s cover is thus functioned as the reproduction of these ideologies and the masqueraded state’s propaganda. It is a devious political tool for the state’s discursive interpellation of these ideologies.

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How to Cite
Leawpiroj, N. . (2020). Stripping the Cover: The Politics of the Thai Civics Textbook during 2007- 2016. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(3), 258–287. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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