Development on Ethics and Desirable Behaviors at Faculty of Education and Development Science Kasetsart University

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Sumit Suwan
Winai Poolsri
Torsak Kawjaratwilai
Kulthida Nukultham
Witat Fakcharoenphol
Sutarat Chaonafang


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the desirable behavior, moral, and ethics, 2) to evaluate the behavior, moral, and ethics’ status, and 3) to improve the desirable behavior, moral, and ethics in the Faculty of Education and Development Sciences. This is a quantitative participatory action research.  The research population are the administrators, faculty and staff, teachers and staff of the Laboratory School, undergrads, and Laboratory School students (N = 2,295). The research instruments include surveys and behavior observation. The data is analyzed using percentage, average, T-test and content analysis. The results are as follows: 1. The top three most desirable behavior, moral, and ethics are honesty, responsibility, and discipline from administrators, responsibility, unity, and honesty from faculty and staff, unity, responsibility, and honesty from teachers and staff of the Laboratory School, responsibility, honesty, and public mind from undergrads, and conscious mind, discipline, and unity from Laboratory School students. 2. The results from the evaluation and the improvement of the desirable behavior, moral, and ethics showed significant overall improvement from administrators group and teachers and staff of the Laboratory School group, (p < 0.01, t = 5.989) and (p < 0.01, t = 5.880) respectively.  However, no significant improvement found from faculty and staff group, undergrad group, and Laboratory School student group

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How to Cite
Suwan, S. ., Poolsri, W. ., Kawjaratwilai, T. ., Nukultham, K. ., Fakcharoenphol, W. ., & Chaonafang, S. . (2020). Development on Ethics and Desirable Behaviors at Faculty of Education and Development Science Kasetsart University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(3), 206–227. retrieved from
Research Articles


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