The Developing Model of the Elderly’s Quality of Life Policy: Surin Province Case Study

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Pian Penprom
Watcharin Sutthisai
Somkiet Kiet Cha-reon


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the elderly’s quality of life in Surin province, 2) study the factors, that affects the elderly’s quality of life in Surin province and 3) to create the development model of the elderly’s quality of life in Surin province policy. Instruments used were WHOQOL-BREF-THAI questionnaire with the reliability value of 0.84. Samples were elderly population totally 399 subjects. Statistics used were; frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, Pearson’s product moment correlation and multiple linear regression. The research results indicated that the elderly’s quality of life in Surin province, in overall, was found in medium mean level. Considering in each component found that 3 components were in medium level and 1 component was in least level, arranged by order from most to least were; environment aspect, mental aspect, health aspect and social relationship aspect while factors affecting the elderly’s quality of life in Surin province statistically were 8 factors, arranged by order with the standardized coefficient beta from most to least were; creative factor (β = 0.50), chronic disease factor (β = 0.34), social support factor (β = 0.21), eating factor (β = 0.19), marital status factor (β = 0.11), living factor (β = 0.11), age factor (β = (-0.10) and education factor (β = 0.07). The development model creation of the elderly’s quality of life in Surin province policy were consisted of elderly’s quality of life development method in local and province level, totally 12 developing activities.

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How to Cite
Penprom, P. ., Sutthisai, W. ., & Kiet Cha-reon, S. . (2020). The Developing Model of the Elderly’s Quality of Life Policy: Surin Province Case Study. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(3), 139–154. retrieved from
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