The Creation of Crime Prevention Network in Phuket Province

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Sakchai Kaewphuang
Pipob Vachung Ngern
Atiporn Gerdruang


The research on crime prevention networking in Phuket Province was aimed 1) to study the construction of crime prevention network in Phuket Province, 2) to examine behaviors of crime prevention networking in Phuket Province, 3) to compare factors affecting crime prevention networking in Phuket Province and 4) to investigate relationship between crime prevention networking behavior and factors affecting crime prevention networking in Phuket Province. This research employed mixed methods methodology approach. The samples included people from 3 districts: Mueang Phuket, Thalang and Kathu, Phuket Province. The sample cluster was calculated by using the formula of Thompson (Thompson,1992) and the samples were randomly selected with multi-stage sampling method, totaling 400 samples. The findings reveal that 1) opinions on factors affecting crime prevention networking were generally at high level. Social factor ranked the highest followed by economic factor. 2) Opinions on behaviors of crime prevention networking in Phuket Province was at high level with volunteer works ranking the highest followed by belief and faith. 3) People with different age and educational background had different impacts on social factors and political factors, meanwhile, dissimilar sex and occupation did not affect crime prevention networking. 4) Economic factors and social factors affected crime prevention networking behavior while political factors and information technology factors did not had impacts on crime prevention networking. A recommendation from studying a suitable form of crime prevention networking in Phuket Province was that, for crime prevention networking principles, people should live their life in accordance with sufficiency economy principle.

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How to Cite
Kaewphuang, S. . ., Vachung Ngern, P. ., & Gerdruang, A. . (2020). The Creation of Crime Prevention Network in Phuket Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(3), 120–138. retrieved from
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