Contemporary Urban Terrorism: Attack and Defense

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Surachart Bamrungsuk
Kullanan Kunthic


This article aims to present the new phenomenon of violence in the 21st century as terrorism in the urban area or urban terrorism is the key issue. Terrorism in contemporary period differs from rural insurgency, which was the pattern of violence since the mid-20th century. Rural insurgency was characterized by locations of operations or targets. To put it another way, the geographical aspect of rural insurgency was remote from crowded community. However, at present days terrorist violence occurs mainly in urban area. This article will point out 3 main issues. First, urban terrorism demonstrates new pattern of contemporary violence, which are car bomb, human or suicide bomb, and lone-actor or lone wolf terrorism. Second, the changing pattern results from the development of new weapon/device: the development of explosive devices and technical know-how. Finally, the recommendations to handle and counter such violence rely on the concept of new environmental and building design

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How to Cite
Bamrungsuk, S. ., & Kunthic, K. . (2020). Contemporary Urban Terrorism: Attack and Defense. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(3), 1–18. retrieved from
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