Using Buddhadhamma of Community Conflict by Mediation Process in the Headman Community and the Village Committee : Study on Kwao Krang Village Moo 2 Kwao Yai Sub-Disttrict, Kantharawichai Disttrict, Mahasarakham Province

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This research is entitled, “Using Buddhadhamma to resolve Community Conflict through Mediation involving the Headman and the Village Committee : Study on Khwao Krang Village Moo 2, Khwao Yai Sub-District, Kantharawichai District, Maha Sarakham Province”. A qualitative research method was conducted with field-based in-depth interviews (qualitative and field research). Three key informants were utilized, including two groups of Buddhist scholars, village headmen and village committee members 2 people conflict and was a party before 4 people, totaling 8 people. Research suggested that most conflicts founded in Khwao Krang Village were data conflict and interest conflict. The Buddha viewed that such conflicts were caused by “Miccha-ditthi” which comes from Ayonisomanasikara, Akusala-mula 3, and Papanca dhamma a dignity with “ditthi” was a central core as for the principle of the village headman and the village committee, which is the mediator used in mediation negotiations, including the principles of prejudice Agati 4, Brahmaviharadhamma , Khanti-dhamma the main principles and Yonisomanasikan for thinking analyzed conflict stories for the principle of the victims in the mediation negotiations was the apostle principle, the principle for the perpetrators of the mediation process was, kusala-mula , Akusala-mula , Hiri-Ottapa the conscience and the form of mediation negotiation that the village headman and the mediator village committee used to negotiate mediation. Compromise in Buddhism is called “Tinnawatthaka”, a principle used in the suppression of a type of conflict called “Athikaranasamatha” to settle litigation. Local folk wisdom was also used. The Isan people trust and respect their elders to resolve conflicts that occur in their communities. The negotiation of mediation using this principle of Buddhism was considered to be the management of Buddhist conflict, a peaceful method Buddhist peaceful that was used in all matters of conflict management. To creating unity and strength for the community.

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How to Cite
Jennanont, V. . (2020). Using Buddhadhamma of Community Conflict by Mediation Process in the Headman Community and the Village Committee : Study on Kwao Krang Village Moo 2 Kwao Yai Sub-Disttrict, Kantharawichai Disttrict, Mahasarakham Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(2), 124–139. retrieved from
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