Stakeholders Influence on Public Policy Process in Thailand: A Case study of Krabi Coal Power Plant

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Kamemaphat Huailuek


The research’s purpose is to study stakeholders and how to influence the different groups on the Krabi Coal Power Plant Project. This research is the qualitative study. The results showed that each group struggled for influencing on the policy process. They were different in terms of the group dimension and the dimensions of coal support and opposition. EGAT is authorized to send representatives to the subcommittee and other committees from the drafting process of the PDP and listening to the opinions of the public. Moreover, EGAT builds a network through the bureaucracy and subsidize budget for local activities or projects. Most private sector in Krabi, in addition to influencing on the indirect policy process by providing money to the anti-coal gathering for a travel and food expenses. Moreover, they have the statement, signing and sending a letter to the Prime Minister. It also communicates directly with the lobby and authorities in various sectors. Citizens and local politicians who support coal-fired power plants have become EGAT's network. Through visiting with EGAT and posting support signs at their homes. As well as participating in activities supported and organized by EGAT. For people and many local politicians who oppose the use of coal in electricity production, they supported coal behind the scene and joined the coalition of anti-coal groups, led by NGOs. National Democrat Party politicians who occupied the majority vote in area, they have announced a statement of objections and proposals for alternative ways of generating electricity. Furthermore, the influence of the media, it was found that even though there is a lot of pressure from government agencies, the media was trying to present all sides of the news. However, the media confronted with the restrictions, especially in the purchase of advertising from relevant agencies. It appeared that there are public media and secondary streams that offer news is more various than the mainstream media.


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How to Cite
Huailuek, K. . (2020). Stakeholders Influence on Public Policy Process in Thailand: A Case study of Krabi Coal Power Plant. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(2), 21–47. retrieved from
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