Collaborative Governance in Industrial Projects for Sustainable Job Creation in Thailand’s Three Southern Border Provinces

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Koree Kariji
Nattha Vinijnaiyapak


The purposes of this study were (1) to explore the factors or conditions of initiating collaborative governance in the industrial projects for sustainable job creation in the three southern border provinces of Thailand, (2) to examine the process of collaborative governance in such projects, and (3) to investigate the outputs and outcomes of such industrial projects. A qualitative research by using documentary study and in-depth interview of sixteen key informants from public, private, and civic sectors was employed in this study. The results of the study were as follows: (1) the factors or conditions influencing on initiating the collaborative governance could be grouped into two dimensions including the system contexts that were composited of policy and legal framework, socioeconomic and cultural, and security issues, and the factor drivers that were composited of interdependence, consequential incentives, and initiating leadership. (2) the process of collaborative governance had a three-dimensional: (a) employing collaborative teamwork with consulting and setting a common practice guideline, (b) enhancing and supporting mutual trust with building trust and commitment between each other, and (c) capacity for joint action by setting procedural and institutional arrangements, and leadership. (3) the impacts of implementing the industrial projects included: the outputs were about buildings, places, developing skills of labors, and professional of managing the factory provided by private sectors, and however, the outcomes were not achieved because of lower employment than specified. This research recommended that (1) Policy and project making to solve economic problems that need to create public adoption and collaboration, (2) reaching a peace agreement between the Insurgent groups and the Thai government as soon as possible, to be able to economic development, and (3) policy priority to solve the problem in Thailand’s Three Southern Border Provinces should balance between security issue and development.

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How to Cite
Kariji, K. ., & Vinijnaiyapak, N. . (2020). Collaborative Governance in Industrial Projects for Sustainable Job Creation in Thailand’s Three Southern Border Provinces. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(2), 1–20. retrieved from
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