The Knowledge and Perception Regarding to the Rights of Child‘s Staffs in Faculty of Law at Mahasarakham University

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Amornrat Ariyachaipradit Nimnoo


The purposes of this study were to examine the level of knowledge and perception of rights of the child as classified by personal factors and to investigate the relationship between knowledge and perception as well as analyzing factors affecting perception of the rights of the child. The subjects participating in this study were 30 staffs in Faculty of Law at Mahasarakham University, selected by a purposive sampling technique. The instrument used to collect the data included two tests measuring knowledge and perception of children rights. To analyze the collected data, the descriptive and inferential statistics, including t-test and one-way ANOVA were used. To compare the differences between pairs, Scheffe and Dunnett’s T3 were operated. Lastly, Pearson Correlation Coefficient was employed to determine the relationship. To analyze the factors affecting perception of the rights of the child, multiple regression analysis was used with a preset of significant level at 0.05. The results of the study revealed that the level of staffs knowledge on the rights of the child was found at a high level, while the level of perception to the Rights of Child‘s Staffs was found at a medium level. Based on the results from the test of hypotheses, there were statistically significant differences in the level of knowledge and perception of children rights among people with different gender, age, marital status and number of children‘s staff at a significant level of 0.05. However, the different education and field personnel but there is no difference in knowledge. There was a statistically significant difference at the .05 level on the perception of children's rights. And the relationship analysis results’ there was found that knowledge is positively correlated with perception at a significant level of 0.05, the relationship was at a moderate level. And the academic personnel has a high level of knowledge about children's rights, which influences their perception of children's rights at a significant level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Ariyachaipradit Nimnoo, A. (2022). The Knowledge and Perception Regarding to the Rights of Child‘s Staffs in Faculty of Law at Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(3), 156–163. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Amornrat Ariyachaipradit Nimnoo, Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Mahasarakham University

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