The Operation Achievement Development by the Public Management Quality Criterion of Samut Sakorn Physical Education Institute, Ministry of Tourism and Sports

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Kunprapat Rumpungjit
Phatharaporn Jaipheng


This research aimed to study 1) the operation achievement level by the public sector management quality achievement criterion of Samut Sakorn Physical Education Institute, 2)factors affecting the operation achievement level by the public sector management quality achievement criterion of Samut Sakorn Physical Education Institute, and 3) problems obstacles and approaching solutions to develop the operation achievement of Samut Sakorn Physical Education Institute, Ministry of Tourism and Sports by using mixed research methodology. Samples were teachers and education personnel, 309 samples. Instruments used were questionnaires with the reliability at 0.98 and analyzed the data by using descriptive statistics, MLRA and One-way ANOVA.The qualitative research informants were managers and operators, 17 informants, collected by an interviewing form and analyzed with the content analyzing method.The research results found that the public sector management quality achievement level criterion of the Physical Education Institute in overall (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.72, σ = 0.66) and in all aspects were found in high level which factors statistically affected the public sector management quality criterion at the level of 0.05 were 6 factors which were; Personnel (β = 0.43), Organization Leading (β = 0.31), Knowledge Analyzing and Management (β = 0.19), Strategic Planning (β = 0.14), Operation System (β = 0.12) and Customer Importance (β = 0.10) and may conclude that the problems obstacles and approaching solutions were consisted of education, sports, management and research problems obstacles and approaching solutions.

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How to Cite
Rumpungjit, K. ., & Jaipheng, P. . (2020). The Operation Achievement Development by the Public Management Quality Criterion of Samut Sakorn Physical Education Institute, Ministry of Tourism and Sports. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(1), 155–169. Retrieved from
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