Comparison of Public Participation in Environmental and Health Impact Assessment between Thailand and other countries

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Kanang Kantamaturapoj
Ganda Piyajun
Suwit Wibulpolprasert


The objectives of this article are to review and to compare public participation guideline in environmental and health impact assessment (EHIA) projects between Thailand and other countries. The public participation guidelines for EHIA projects in Thailand United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan and China were reviewed. This article found that public participation of EHIA in Thailand is similar to the Netherlands, Sweden, USA, and Japan since the public participation starts at the scoping stage. However, Thailand is different from Canada and Japan in terms of stakeholder identification. In Thailand, anyone can attend public participation program while Canada and Japan only allow people who directly affected from the project to involve in public participation program. The study also found that public participation in Thailand is formal and inflexible which is different from Sweden, United Kingdom, and Australia. There is no capacity building to the stakeholders in Thailand to get involved in public participation program. By contrast, Canada has participant funding programs to support meaningful participation of direct affected people and indigenous people.

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How to Cite
Kantamaturapoj, K. ., Piyajun, G. ., & Wibulpolprasert, S. . (2020). Comparison of Public Participation in Environmental and Health Impact Assessment between Thailand and other countries . Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(1), 108–126. retrieved from
Research Articles


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