Guidelines for the Development of the Public Volunteer Network Organization that Examines the Content of Radio and Television Programs in Thailand

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Thepparat Phimolsathien
Gamolporn Sornsri


Public participation is an important mechanism that will give an opportunity to the public to enter various types of broadcasting licenses in accordance with the law and lay foundation for the supervision of appropriate contents in the radio and television businesses. This research had four objectives which are 1) to study the laws, regulations, and ministerial notifications related to the establishment and operations framework of a volunteer spirit network in Thailand and abroad 2) to compare volunteer spirit network responsible for examining content of radio and television programs between Thailand and other countries 3) to synthesize best practices of volunteer spirit network both in Thailand and aboard 4) to recommend guidelines to expand volunteer spirit network in monitoring the content of radio and television in Thailand.  In this study, it was found that Thailand has the laws those support the establishment of volunteer spirit network.  The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC) should support the establishment of neutrality organization in collaboration with other professional media organizations to oversee, support, and cooperate with other volunteer network organizations. This organization can also be a mediator for collecting volunteer network’s information and as a channel for obtaining inappropriate content complaints.  In addition, the NBTC should financially and technically support the establishment of volunteer spirit network with clear roles and responsibilities.   This study has suggested 2 important points: first; there should be an organization that responsible for supporting, supervising, and responsible for the volunteer network’s actions.  Second, there should be approaches to attract new generations to be part of the volunteer spirit network in assistance with scholars or credible people. 

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How to Cite
Phimolsathien, T., & Sornsri, G. . (2020). Guidelines for the Development of the Public Volunteer Network Organization that Examines the Content of Radio and Television Programs in Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 10(1), 34–51. retrieved from
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