The Impact of the Development of Special Border Economic Zone on the Well - Being of Residents Residing in the Area: A Case Study of Dontan, Mukdahan, Thailand

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ปภาดา ถ่อเงิน
วิษณุ สุมิตสวรรค์


The purposes of this study are 1) To investigate the possible impacts influencing on the residents in the Special Border Economic Zone (SBEZ), Dontan, Mukdahan, Thailand 2) to examine the problems that may arise from the policy of committees of the SBEZ, Dontan, Mukdahan, Thailand 3) to provide suggestions and recommendations on how to develop the well beings of the residents in the area of SBEZ, Dontan, Mukdahan, Thailand. This study was carried the mix methods which used both quantitative and qualitative approaches. For a quantitative research method, the survey questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data from three hundred and eighty-two stakeholders, residents of the SBEZ. Descriptive statistics and Spearman’s Correlation have been applied to analyze the data whilst the percentage and levels of significances at 95 percent. In addition, for qualitative research method, the semi-structured, in-depth interview was applied as a tool for attaining data from three key - informants, and local administrators. The findings indicate that 1) The majority of the key informants agree that the implementation of the SBEZ’s development policies have an impact on the technological, sociological, economic, and political factors suggesting 86.910, 83.769, 80.890, and 80.104 per cent respectively. 2) The majority of the key - informants states that there is a low level of knowledge and understanding related to approaches of the SBEZ’s committees for the development within the SBEZ. 3) The Local administrators should promote the occupations to comply with the labor market needs, and also support  the eco - tourism to increase the income of local people, as well as promoting and exchanging to inherit the goodness culture of the people living in the Special Economic Zone Dontan Mukdahan province.

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How to Cite
ถ่อเงิน ป., & สุมิตสวรรค์ ว. (2019). The Impact of the Development of Special Border Economic Zone on the Well - Being of Residents Residing in the Area: A Case Study of Dontan, Mukdahan, Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(3), 114–130. retrieved from
Research Articles


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