The Desiring Machine of Red Shirt Groups: The Assemblage of Political Meanings with the case of “Thaksin-Regime”

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สินธุชัย ศุกรเสพย์


This study has three purposes: (1) to study the political perception of the Red Shirts in Chanthaburi province in relation to the case of "Thaksin-Regime" (2) to study the desire of the red shirts in Chanthaburi province with political connections to "Thaksin-Regime" "Thaksin" (3) to study the desire of the Red Shirts and "Thaksin-Regime" in terms of the dimension of political conflict and reconciliation. The results of this research are as follows: (1) The political perception of the red shirts in Chanthaburi province with "Thaksin-Regime" found that the process of political recognition of the Red Shirts in Chanthaburi province and "Thaksin-Regime" are a facet of political sedition. (2) The desire of the Red Shirts in Chanthaburi province to connect with the political in "Thaksin-Regime" found that the desire of the Red Shirts in Chanthaburi province was connected with politics in "Thaksin-Regime" closely in terms of political movement will have a desire for a populist policy. "Thaksin-Regime" is based on rational and political ideas that form and produce as a mechanism for the power and benefit of the Red Shirts and "Thaksin-Regime" (3) The red-shirted regime's desire of "Thaksin-Regime" in terms of the dimension of political conflict and reconciliation. Finding a political connection in the Red Machine's desire for red shirts. "Thaksin-Regime" has led to the extension of the dimension of political conflict and the inability to find a real settlement in reconciliation. For example, the creation of a think-tank, the two- The call for amnesty, the violent political movement. And red-shirt village red land, etc.

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ศุกรเสพย์ ส. (2019). The Desiring Machine of Red Shirt Groups: The Assemblage of Political Meanings with the case of “Thaksin-Regime”. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(3), 24–54. retrieved from
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