Problems of the Educational Administration: Case Study of Kasetwisai Industrial and Community Education College, Roi-Et Province

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ทศพล จิตอารีรัตน์
อลงกรณ์ อรรคแสง


This qualitative study aims to ascertain problems of the education administration and probe recommendations for the resolution. In-depth interview with semi-structural form of questionnaire was conducted for the case study of the Kasetwisai Industrial and Community Education College, Kasetwisai District, Roi-Et Province. The 25 people were selected as key informants for purposive sampling including three administrators, seven teachers, three college staff, seven students, and five parents. The study found that the educational problems of the Kasetwisai Industrial and Community Education College were caused by the financial and human resource administration. There are three recommendations for the college’s educational administration: 1) the government should allocate adequate educational budget for instructional media and educational equipment, 2) the college should have good financial management, and 3) for the effective educational administration and greatest benefit of the students, the college should assign the qualified teachers fitting the majors in need.

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จิตอารีรัตน์ ท., & อรรคแสง อ. (2019). Problems of the Educational Administration: Case Study of Kasetwisai Industrial and Community Education College, Roi-Et Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(2), 151–167. retrieved from
Research Articles


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