Satisfaction of Educational satisfaction: Case study of Graduate Students of College Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University

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วรินทร รัชโพธิ์


The objective of this research was to investigate satisfaction of graduate students on the services at College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University. The questionnaire tools were used in this research. The research found that the most respondents were male accounting for 53.25 percent and there were 35.06 percent and 59.74 percent of respondent’s age between 29-35 years old, as well as a Master of Public Administration program respectively. Overall, the satisfaction of graduate students on the services at College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University was very good with x ̅ = 3.56. When considering the order of mean, it was found that the attention of x ̅ = 3.60, the materiality of the service is with x ̅ = 3.58, the trust with x ̅ = 3.54, and the confidence is with x ̅ = 3.51 and the response to the client with x ̅ =3.50. Considering from the order of mean, the attention aspect is the most satisfaction claiming that the staff was happy to check the registration of the student, with the x ̅ = 3.65. In associated with the tangible aspects of services, the most satisfaction was the student's learning plan with the x ̅ = 3.79. While, the trust, the most satisfaction was the service staff responds to questions about the instructional process accurately. Therefore, an appropriate for every service is x ̅ = 3.61. In relation to the confidence, the most satisfaction was the staff were knowledgeable about the use of the registration system, the x ̅ =3.61. In terms of the Response, the most satisfaction was the staff are willing to facilitate instructional suggestions throughout the course of thesis writing and independent study, the x ̅= 3.61

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How to Cite
รัชโพธิ์ ว. (2019). Satisfaction of Educational satisfaction: Case study of Graduate Students of College Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(2), 119–132. retrieved from
Research Articles


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